Group photo at the Constitutional Court of South Africa, Constitution Hill Human Rights Precinct
Eight members of our global network advisory group met in Johannesburg for an inaugural convening from September 25-27, 2023. The theme of the three-day meeting was “Setting the Agenda” and called on members to strengthen the focus of the No Means No Global Network Advisory Group by creating space for critical and constructive reflection on the function, performance, and management of the partner network, in order to articulate a clear, measurable work plan for the Advisory Group in the coming year. Providing support from No Means No Worldwide were Deputy Director of Programs, Patience Mungwari, and Partnerships Specialist, Kevin Liverpool.
The convening provided opportunities for fostering relationships, co-creation, joint ownership and knowledge sharing - critical elements of network building. The Advisory Group coalesced, consolidated their expertise and positioned themselves at the center of the network as they imagined what form, function, and action would be most beneficial to network partners in our individual and collective work to end sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
As a foundation on how they will work together, members collaborated to develop guiding principles and agreed on the following:
We do not hold back. We show up as our authentic selves to participate in advisory group activities.
We keep a brave space where diversity is celebrated, and all voices are valued free from judgment.
We respect time and commit to being punctual and working efficiently at a balanced pace.
We recognise the contributions of others and show our appreciation in intentional ways.
We extend grace during conflict, asking clarifying questions and listening carefully to discover the intentions of others.
When we established the global network advisory group earlier this year in May, we envisioned that it would serve as a mechanism to harness the expertise of implementing partners across the global network to ensure that network activities meet the needs and interest and create value for network partners. We considered it as crucial in achieving and maintaining inclusive, diverse representation in the management and coordination of the network and ensuring that network activities align with partners’ needs and interests.
At the convening, members developed four actionable pillars that would drive this vision. The advisory group advises the NMNW Team on the coordination and functioning of the global network; supports network activities which may include co-development, implementation, promotion, and encouragement of increased partner participation; assesses the functionality and effectiveness of the network; and, from time to time, represents the No Means No program at local, regional, and international fora.
Building on the pillars of Advise, Support, Assess and Represent, the advisory group developed a work plan for 2024 with the aim to strengthen the functioning of the network, enhance visibility and accessibility of the No Means No program and network globally, and strengthen the efficacy of the No Means No model in various contexts.
The city of Johannesburg provided opportunities to learn about the history of apartheid in South Africa and how larger structures of systemic oppressions shape the world we live in today. Visiting Constitution Hill, a former prison and military fort and current home to the Constitutional Court of South Africa, was a chilling experience that fostered greater appreciation of the scale of oppression and injustices that marred the path to democracy in South Africa. Members also visited the Apartheid Museum and were transported back to the time of Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmon Tutu, and other formidable allies who fought against apartheid, stood for an end to discrimination, hate and intolerance, and sought to build a society on the values of forgiveness, harmony and peace. Both venues gave members opportunities to think more deeply about the intersections between racism, gender and violence, discuss the cross-cultural aspects of sexual violence, and explore how these impact our work individually and collectively, as part of building a globally connected, locally rooted No Means No Network.
We remain inspired by the work of the global network advisory group and look forward to productive and inspirational months ahead!